Glenboro Area Foundation
Grant Applications Due December 31st, 2024
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Donor Choice 2024
find out more by clicking here
The Foundation
A member of the Community Foundation of Canada, the Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. is a registered community fund established in 1987 to support education and health, recreation and culture, agriculture and religion, for all ages in Glenboro and area.
The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. strives to be a community leader, promoting philanthropy, benefiting our community with grants now and in the future – the best choice for those wishing to leave a permanent legacy to our community.
The mission of Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. is to work together to build a permanent endowment fund, using the earnings to enrich the quality of life in our area.
The Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund, made up of designated and undesignated monies, is a permanent pool of capital made up of donations and bequests, carefully invested to provide the best possible interest which in turn is awarded annually back into the community. In 1998 the Glenboro Foundation entered into an agreement with The Winnipeg Foundation whereby the contributions to the endowment funds of The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. were transferred to The Winnipeg Foundation. The Winnipeg Foundation will hold and invest the monies on behalf of The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. and will provide endowment income to support the community of the Glenboro area. The endowment funds are – The Glenboro Smart & Caring Community Managed Fund, The Health Care Fund, The Glenboro Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, The Glenboro Youth Sport and Recreation Fund, Youth in Philanthropy, The John & Vesta Scott Memorial Fund, The Stewart & Eva Hamilton Memorial Fund, The John Harvard Smart & Caring Community Fund, The George & Verna Notman Memorial Fund, The Raystone Memorial Centre Operating Fund, The Glenboro Recreation Facility Operating Fund, and The Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. Operating Fund. The Education Funds provide scholarships to graduating students in June of each year – Glenboro Community Education, Skapti Arason Pioneer Spirit Award, RM of South Cypress Health Care, Devos family, Hilhorst family, Sena Gunnlaugson Memorial, Queen Scholarship, Roy and Lorna Wallis Family Agricultural Scholarship.
The Administration
The Foundation is administered by an Advisory Board of Directors consisting of five to nine Manitoba residents, meeting at least three times a year at the Chairman’s call. Two Board members are appointed by the Municipality of Glenboro – South Cypress, and three to seven Board members are appointed by the Board. In addition, a three member Supervisory Board assists the Advisory Board with grant recommendations and appointments to the Board. The Supervisory Board consists of the Head of Council together with two retired Board members.
Advisory Board Members
- Ron Jefferies – Chair – 827-3987
- Cindy Pringle – Vice-chair – 827-2079
- Connie Feader – Administrative Assistant – 827-2560
- Lorelie Mitchell – 827-2548
- Lorna Hamilton – 827-2714
- Trina Wytinck – 827-2846
- Myrtle Nichols – 827-3962
- Kevin Newton – 827-3923
- Allen Diehl – 827-2630
Supervisory Board
Charles Radford, 204-827-2252 ~ Municipality of Glenboro South Cypress
Fred Jewsbury, 827-2812
The Money
The money invested in the Fund is never spent. Only the interest earned by the investments is available for disbursement. A donation to the fund in an investment in the future of the community.
Annual Report
2022 Click HereNote that the reports are in PDF format. You will need ADOBE Reader to view. Most computers have ADOBE Reader already installed; but if yours does not, the free version is available from the ADOBE website.
A Gift to the Fund
A Gift to the Endowment Fund can be made in the form of cash, property, insurance or bequests from grateful citizens who wish to leave something permanent with the community that has been good to them.
Endow Manitoba GIVING CHALLENGE 2024
November 12-17
Every $5 gift this week is worth $7!
Donate via cheque payable to “Glenboro Area Foundation”, or with credit card at endowMB.org
Why Not Consider?
- A gift of money
- A bequest in a will
- A gift of life insurance by naming the Foundation as beneficiary
- A gift in memory of a relative or friend
- A multi year pledge
- A gift in the family name
Cheques should be made payable to:
Glenboro Area Foundation Inc. Box 147 Glenboro, Manitoba R0K 0X0
A tax receipt will be issued. Inquiries should be directed to the above address, or via e-mail to Connie Feader at glenborofoundation@gmail.com.
Note that the applications are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them, or use an up-to-date browser that can display Acrobat PDF files. Most computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader already installed; but if yours does not, the free version is available from the ADOBE website.
In Memoriam Donations
Use the link below to download our list.