Senior Independent Services
Senior Independent Services
Municipality of Glenboro-South Cypress
Coordinator: Carol Marshall
Box 639, Glenboro, MB, R0K 0X0
Office # 204 827 2703, Home # 204 827 2788.
Email: sis@glenboro.com
Office Location: 237 Broadway (Burrough of the Gleann Museum)
Senior Independent Services are intended to help seniors and disabled individuals continue living in their own homes, independently, with dignity, and without risk. Services are provided by volunteers or at a reasonable rate.
Senior Independent Services can put you in touch with: Meals on Wheels, Lifeline, Consumer Information, support groups and Recreation Opportunities.
Some additional support that Senior Independent Services provide are: E.R.I.K kits (these are free), Installation of Victoria Life Line and maintenance, Loan Program for Medical Equipment, Parking Pass for Hospital Visits etc., Presentations when speakers available at Raystone Centre, Meals on Wheels, Referrals for a fee, House Cleaning, Snow Removal, Yard Work etc. and any other general inquiries.
Recreation opportunity includes but aren’t limited to: Casino trips once per month (Handi-Van transportation), shopping trip to Brandon once a month (Handi-Van), fun summer activities/programs/trips, games and activities at Raystone Centre , Bingo, Shuffle Board , Cards , Pool and also a Quilting Class, as well as our 55+ movie once a month!